After half an hour, I got up off my knees and stretched my back. As I brushed my jeans, I saw that my nails were – once again – packed with dirt. I bent down and grabbed a handful of garden soil. It was rich, black and crumbly. It smelled clean and warm and, well, earthy.
Dave and I work hard to keep our soil alive with earthworms, insects, bacteria and fungi. Why? Because it makes a huge difference to the nutrition in the grass our cows eat and to the vegetables we grow in the garden. How does it make a difference? Ahh, that’s the topic for tomorrow’s Deep Roots Radio show!
What: Deep Roots Radio live with Jamie Bultemeier, agronomist and certified crop advisor with A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc., Fort Wayne, IN
When: June 13, 2015, 9:00-9:30 AM Central Time
Where: Broadcast and streamed live from the studios of WPCA Radio, 93.1FM (in and around Amery, WI), and worldwide on the web at
I hope you’ll join us.
Sylvia Burgos Toftness