Tag Archives: Nancy Graden

Nancy Graden: Herbs and food for COVID and flu season

Here we are: about eight months into our worldwide struggle with COVID-19. As we brace for the coming winter season, I thought we might benefit from the Deep Roots Radio podcast with Nancy Graden, medicinal herbalist and certified organic farmer. We recorded this conversation in the spring, early in the pandemic. In it, Nancy describes how we can help ourselves stay healthy and strong.

Nancy has over 30 years experience and training in herbal medicines, and works with over 50 kinds of plants on her farm, Red Clovery Apothecary Farm in Amery, Wisconsin.  She provided us with detailed notes on how to think about and use herbs in connection with the corona virus.  Notes on the COVID-19 VIRUS from an Herbalist’s Perspective 1

I hope you enjoy this interview.



Some medicinal/healthful herbs right outside your door: descriptions & photos

Good morning!

Boy, I enjoyed this morning’s Deep Roots Radio chat with Nancy Graden, medicinal herbalist/farmer, and owner/operator of Red Clover Herbal Apothecary farm.

In addition to cultivating over 50 plants on her certified organic farm in Amery, Wisconsin, Nancy harvests 20 others for her broad line of herb-based products. Today, she introduced us to several plants we can find growing right now in our yards, farms, ditches and woodlands.

pasture herbs

I’ll post Nancy’s podcast tomorrow, but I thought you might find her 14-page resource notes and photos useful this afternoon. I’ve also resposted Nancy’s detailed perspective on herbal helps during COVID-19.
